Welcome to the Online Donations Portal for Faith Tabernacle
You can donate safely towards our ministry here and partner with us to reach our community for Christ
1. You can make a donation via PayPal to support the work of Faith Tabernacle; a church in the community for the community.
2. You can also give by setting up a regular standing order mandate with your bank.
Leave a legacy in your will
Thinking about a will is never easy, but planning ahead can make a real difference
Leaving a legacy by remembering us in your will, you can help Faith Tabernacle move forward to reach our community for Christ, and also support the ongoing work to restore and maintain this beautiful building that has stood for nearly 150 years, to benefit the community even further.
There are different ways that you can help – you can give money, property or possessions and because NTCG Faith Tabernacle is a charity, your legacy will go further, because it will be tax free.
If you would like to consider Faith Tabernacle as a beneficiary, please speak to your legal advisor or contact us.
Please contact us for more information and thank you for your support.
Email: admin@ntcgft.org.uk
Tel: 0161 202 1851
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